For a complete list, see our google scholar page
Gustison ML, Muñoz Castañeda R, Osten P, Phelps SM (2024) Sexual coordination in a whole-brain map of prairie vole pair bonding. eLife. 12, RP87029
MacDowell CJ, Briones BA, Lenzi MJ, Gustison ML, Buschman TJ (2024) Differences in the expression of cortex-wide neural dynamics are related to behavioral phenotype. Current Biology. 34, 1333-1340
Painter MC, Gustison ML, Snyder-Mackler N, Johnson ET, le Roux A, Bergman TJ (2024) Acoustic variation and group-level convergence in gelada contact calls. Animal Behaviour. 207, 235-246
Gustison ML, Phelps SM (2022) Individual differences in social attachment: A multi-disciplinary perspective. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 21, e12792
Semple S*, Ferrer-i-Cancho R*, Gustison ML* (2022) Linguistic laws in biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 37, 53-66 (*authors contributed equally)
Kenkel WM, Gustison ML, Beery AK (2021) A neuroscientist’s guide to the vole. Current Protocols. 1, e175
Kavanagh E,…Gustison ML,… Slocombe, K. Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates. Royal Society Open Science. 8, 210873
Kershenbaum A, Demartsev V, Gammon DE, Geffen E, Gustison ML, Ilany A, Lameira AR (2021) Shannon entropy as a robust estimator of Zipf’s Law in animal vocal communication repertoires. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12, 553–564
Miller CM, Snyder-Mackler N, Nguyen N, Fashing PJ, Tung J, Wroblewski EE, Gustison ML, Wilson ML (2021) Extra-group paternity in gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) at Guassa, Ethiopia and a comparison with other primates. Animal Behaviour. 177, 277–301
Phelps SM, Gustison ML (2020) The transient joys of others—neural ensembles encode social approach in bonded voles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117, 12510–12512
Gustison ML, Borjon JI, Takahashi DY*, Ghazanfar AA* (2019) Vocal and locomotor coordination develops in association with the autonomic nervous system. Elife. 8, e41853 (2019) (*shared last authorship)
Bergman TJ, Beehner JC, Painter MC, Gustison ML (2019) The speech-like properties of nonhuman primate vocalizations. Animal Behaviour. 151, 229–237
Gustison ML, Johnson ET, Beehner JC, Bergman TJ (2019) The social functions of complex vocal sequences in wild geladas. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 73, 14
Gustison ML, Bergman TJ (2017) Divergent acoustic properties of gelada and baboon vocalizations and their implications for the evolution of human speech. Journal of Language Evolution. 2, 20–36
Gustison, ML*, Semple S*, Ferrer-i-Cancho R, Bergman TJ (2016) Gelada vocal sequences follow Menzerath’s linguistic law. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113, E2750–E2758 (*shared first authorship)
Highlighted on NPR’s All Things Considered and Scientific American’s 60-second Science
Gustison ML, Bergman TJ (2016) Vocal complexity influences female responses to gelada male calls. Scientific Reports. 6, 19680
Kershenbaum A, Blumstein DT, Roch MA,…Gustison ML,… (2016) Acoustic sequences in non-human animals: a tutorial review and prospectus. Biological Reviews. 91, 13–52
Lu A, Borries C, Gustison ML, Larney E, Koenig A (2016) Age and reproductive status influence dominance in wild female Phayre’s leaf monkeys. Animal Behaviour. 117, 145–153
Gustison ML, Townsend SW (2015) A survey of the context and structure of high- and low-amplitude calls in mammals. Animal Behaviour. 105, 281–288
Gustison ML, le Roux A, Bergman TJ (2012) Derived vocalizations of geladas (Theropithecus gelada) and the evolution of vocal complexity in primates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 367, 1847–59
Highlighted on NPR’s All Thing’s Considered
Gustison ML, MacLarnon A, Wiper S, Semple S (2012) An experimental study of behavioural coping strategies in free-ranging female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Stress. 15, 608–17
Aubert Y, Gustison ML, Gardner LA, Bohl MA, Lange JR, Allers KA, Sommer B, Datson NA, Abbott DH (2012) Flibanserin and 8-OH-DPAT implicate serotonin in association between female marmoset monkey sexual behavior and changes in pairbond quality. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 9, 694–707